Sunday, August 31, 2014

Sometimes it's hard to take pictures.

The premise is simple. Ask people questions. Take their picture. Sometimes taking pictures is hard. One must make sure the person is in the viewfinder, be sure they're in focus, and press the button. Sometimes not all of these things go well.  But sometimes they do.

We think we're getting better.

Perhaps by the time we reach California - we'll have perfected this whole picture taking and question asking thing.  Until then, please be kind.

"The light makes me."

"I get up in the morning to go to work, and be a responsible Christian."

"I get up in the morning because I know it can/will get better."

"I get up in the morning to come to my Dream job at Shell Gas Station in Mio Michigan"

"Because the husband makes me."

"Because there is so much to do and so many ways to be a blessing to others that sleeping the day away would be selfish."

"Because there are some dreams that are meant to be made into reality, no matter how impossible they seem."

"Because I get another day.  And I can help."
And some have compassion making a difference. Jude 1:22

"To live my life."

"I get up because I am a missionary and love spreading a message about Christ!"

"I get up in the morning because I'm a Missionary for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints and I love to help others grow in their faith of Jesus Christ!"

"I get up every morning for my kids, Gregory and Georgia! Love them to death!"

"I get up for work and school.  My responsibilities."

"I get up each day with a desire to be a blessing to those I meet.  Life is hard sometimes and everyone can use a kind word or smile to encourage them.  God loves us as we are but He alone knows what we can become with his grace working in our lives."

Here's to another day!
The Crew

Good times to be had!

Probably not in chronological order, but there are some picture stories which just must be shared!
Our Departure - Jamie colored us some pictures to take on the road...

Meet the...FatMax!

  The Blinking Red Lights  -  We were pretty sure it was ALIENS!

Street of Home - Notice the canopy of connecting Tree Branches above.


Duck of Suspicion

Downtown Mio

Joseph Pillars Park!


Holy Family Parish, Michigan

We LOVE Campfires!  <3


1870 Sugarhouse 

The Crew

Saturday, August 30, 2014

The Beauty of Bagels and Cream Cheese

Stopping for food at Tin Lizzie's in Mio, Michigan we were fortunate to speak with Stephanie, our waitress who gave us a bit of traveling advice from her experiences living in many different states.

Written in her signature orange ink pen, her reason for waking up in the morning?

"My Family!"

Always good to see friends that you haven't seen in a while, our dear friend Kelly joined us for food and strawberry malts. 

"Because the Lord gave me another day to live. :)"

It's not everyday you get to stand next to a pink elephant....let alone hug one!

Exploring the river a bit near the Joseph Pillars Park!

"Plenty of time to sleep in the grave. Wouldn't want to miss it."

Never underestimate the power that a good cup o' Joe (especially the specialty Vanilla Nut blend) and a straw hat can have on a morning of goodbyes. 

Not a moment was wasted as we had a brunch of bagels, coffee, and cream cheese in gorgeous Chippewasse Park. 

Our view and morning of exploration was none other than the "Tridge", an incredible three way bridge in Michigan. 

Though not all of them were able to be with us for the picture, thank you to our Michigan Family for their generosity and hospitality as we traveled through!

Love, The Crew