Saturday, March 21, 2015

In the Snow of the Rockies

Boulder Colorado's outside walking mall was the perfect place to spend a brisk evening & grab some delicious pizza!

"To see what I can see!"

Jennifer chose the church because it was close to where we were staying and had a reasonable Mass time...little did we know it turned out to be doughnuts & coffee day too!

That jump start of energy from the doughnuts and coffee was exactly what we needed for a day out in the snow at Rocky Mountain National Park!

Thanks to this sweet gentleman, we knew that as long as we were hiking towards this uniquely shaped mountain, we would see the marvel of the park, and not get lost!

"I get up so I can volunteer in Rocky Mountain National Park."

We know we've seen pictures before, but there's just really nothing to describe what elk look like when you're up close and personal with them (in the sort of safety of your car of course!).

Amid the wild glistening trails of snow, we wondered just how high above the actual ground we were as we stomped down the approximately 5 feet of snow below us!

While based on the map, and the directions from  the park volunteer earlier, we knew that making it to our final destination would require passing three different lakes: Nymph, Dream, and Emerald, I suppose we didn't fully understand that at this time of year the trail literally went across the lakes...

And while every Catholic strives to be more Christ-like, we never imagined that one day all three of us would be "walking on water"!

The vistas were sweeping as the masses of trees were subtly interrupted by towering mountains and mellow tones of snow. The mountains were so high that it seemed almost as if the clouds weren't floating above them, but instead right beside.

And while at the end, our cheeks & noses were rosy from the cold, and our water bottles were empty, the views from our hike proved that the mountains of Colorado inspire you with a view that can be found little elsewhere.

To all the blessings and miracles we've experienced (including walking on water!),

The Crew

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