Saturday, November 22, 2014

A, B, Cookies!

Good ole comfort food - a breakfast of breads, omelets, and biscuits and gravy at Benton's!
A great start to the morning of an even greater day!

"I have too!"

The Museum of the Alphabet was a highlight of the day!
Even though we'd all learned our letters back in our home-school version of preschool, this museum was about so much more than the Alphabet song.
Walking through the museum was like walking through an interactive history of languages, their origins, and how they have developed through time.

Right through the entrance of the door is an intricate wood carving of a tree showing the "roots" of languages and how they have "branched" out into the 6,500 known languages that exist today!

"I like my job and meeting people."

An artist had constructed this sculpture for the museum. It is a beautiful exhibition of the Tower of Babel complete with tiny people!

We've talked before about how much we love when there are fun activities we can do! This particular museum had a station where we could use stamps to write out our names in hieroglyphics! 

"I love doing my job."

North Carolina really spoiled us with beautiful views and sunshine when we stopped in to the Crane Park for a picnic lunch and an afternoon of reading.

Being on the road there are a few things that you tend to miss doing. For Jennifer, one of those things was baking. It's kind of hard to bake desserts and pastries in the back of our Yoda...although we have contemplated the real possibilities of frying some bacon and eggs on a hot engine...
Our last night in North Carolina, our host family was gracious enough to let Jennifer bake some cookies!

With dinner in the oven, Jennifer poured all of the ingredients into the bowl and started mixing. Minutes later, their little 5year old comes rushing down the stairs and peeks into the bowl. With wide eyes he looks at Jennifer and exclaims, "We're having cookies for dinner?!?!?"

We had an incredible stay with our North Carolina family! It was great fun to play guitar and read stories with their kids and get to know their family as they welcomed us into their home! :)
Thank you all for your amazing kindness.

"I get out of bed every morning because the good Lord lets me!"

"When I met my wife, I told her that I hated my job and I was never going back to work in it. Working with computers was sucking the life out of me! Then I got married, had kids, and realized I had more lives to worry about then my own. So now, filled with new life, I get up every day to ensure my family is provided for and happy. (But that doesn't make me a morning person!)"

To another beautiful day!
The Crew

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