Monday, November 10, 2014

Experiencing the future

Our sweet North Carolina family treated us to a tour of Charlotte... a very unique and fun way...
...scooting around on a Segway!

With a little help from our tour guide, and some fast thinking, we got everyone lined up for a picture!
It's a little difficult to maneuver five people into a straight line on a Segway, but we made it work! With us girls being newbies at this sort of thing, our tour guide was very helpful but wanted to make sure we kept going somewhat on schedule. At one point he said "Don't go faster than you're comfortable but we need to speed it up a little bit."

It was our first time on Segways, or anything like it for that matter, but with a little practice and a lot of help from our tour guide we mastered it in no time! (Or in other words, we got the hang of it by the time our tour was done...) 

"It is a blessing to have another day."

"To make money to support my family and life."

During our tour we passed a sweet little diner, Alexander Michael's in the fourth ward of Charlotte, and decided to go back for lunch. :)

"To make the most of each day."

They had really yummy food and sat us in a cute little window seat-like table.
If you ever stop in, and happen to go to the Ladies Room, make sure you don't run into the pole!
When they turned the building into a restaurant, they weren't quite sure why it was there, or what it's purpose was, except that it is right in front of the door when you walk in, and if you're not careful you may just hit your head!

"Just grateful for another day."

A beautiful walk back through the park where we had driven our Segways just hours before was warranted by the incredible skyline of Charlotte.

Here we are at the four corners in the middle of Charlotte which distinguish the four wards. The corners represent transportation, commerce, industry, and future. 

While walking around Charlotte we found ourselves in a museum. 
 Jeanette thought this art looked suspiciously like a lollipop... :)

They also really enjoyed their cats.

A lot.

Without a picture for one person who answered our question, so instead, here is a photo of her favorite sculpture instead.

"My puppies wake me every morning to go outside.. And they make me smile. Good way to start each day."

"Because God allows me another day to live and experience life with family, friends, and others."

"Too many mid afternoon naps and usually time to go to work. And because I'm so happy!"

After many people had recommend that we stop by, we decided to go to the Billy Graham Library.

"When I get tired of sleeping I see what the Lord has planned."

While we were there we had a tour which showed pictures, memorabilia and excerpts from his sermons. On display were things such as letters that had been written to him and other gifts individuals and groups had given him throughout the years. 

We all have dreams and goals we want to achieve, plans for the future. The future that more often than not doesn't turn out the way we think it will, or should. Thank goodness things don't always go the way we think they will all the time though, how boring would that be? :)  The unknown future can be a little scary at times but also brings us hope in what is to come. We are never really sure what tomorrow holds. But, hey, that's half the fun! :)

The Crew

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