Thursday, January 8, 2015

Confessions...and a plus one!

Alright, it's time to come clean.

We have several confessions to make.

Going back to Indiana...we may have made a quick stop at home.

 A quick stop that quickly turned into staying home for Halloween...
...and Thanksgiving...
...and the New Year...

But you have to understand.
We missed the unmatchable splendor and magic of our home town in the fall...

...we missed rolling the windows down as we rode through our back roads...
(even if it was so cold we needed a blanket!)

And this extra little girl you see there in the back seat?  That's our little sister Jamie.  She was the first to greet us at the door, and most ecstatic that we were home!

Okay...okay... so the stop turned out to be a little bit longer than expected.

We could tell you many versions to this story.
Maybe the car rides were too long (but that's not true).
Perhaps we ate peanut butter & jelly a little too often (but you can never go wrong with PB&J).
Say simply that none of us were speaking to each other anymore (but that's really not true either).

Our parents would say, it was time to come home because they missed us. 
And do you know what? 
The truth is, we missed them too.  
We went home for the holidays to see our family.  
To be home.

We’ve seen a lot of beautiful places,
We’ve met a lot of wonderful people,
And as much as we love driving in the car,
there was no comparison to being home!
That being said, and the holidays being over, we still have more of this spectacular country to see!

So we are back on the road!
Oh! And that plus one?
That's our oldest sister Stephanie.
We love that she can join us on our adventure for a few weeks!
…and Jennifer loves having someone to talk to in the back seat!

Even though it is a bit late:
Happy Halloween,
Happy Thanksgiving,
Merry Christmas,
& A Happy New Year!

From the girls who are now back on the road.
The Crew + Stephanie!

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