Friday, September 12, 2014

If it looks like a parking spot, it's probably a fire hydrant.

New York State law requires there to be a fifteen foot clearing surrounding any fire hydrant before you may legally park. If I may say so as well, they are also exceedingly fond of their fire hydrants and place not one, and not two, but three to four hydrants along every street. Because of these rules, finding a parking spot in Brooklyn made finding Waldo look like a walk around Central Park. 

The city really likes to make you work for your private AND public transportation. Even with a navigation system, signs, and glowing lights, the Subway (the transportation, not the sandwich shop) seemed to just blend into the hustle on a normal city sidewalk on a Thursday in the Big Apple.

New York was also the perfect place to continue our question.

"Because it is another day that God has blessed me to be in the land of the living."

After you've been sitting on the Subway for some time, you begin to notice things. 
Like Subway (from the restaurant) in Subway (the transportation). 

Lady Liberty was glowing from the top of the Brooklyn Bridge as the sun set around us, and as the city that never sleeps lit up before our eyes.

Remembering 9/11 as our nation fell hush for the loved ones lost that day, two beams of light shine up from the busy city as a memorial not only for those who fell with the Twin Towers that day, but also for hope of the American people still in our country.

Times Square closed out our journey for the night. Amid the enormous billboards, lights, cars, and people wandering aimlessly, it was like nothing we had ever seen.

"Because life is beautiful and amazing and challenges our entire being to be the best of our ability. (Also the purpose of life) To be the best version of ourselves possible."

One thing on our "Can Not Leave Before Doing" list for NYC included: Breakfast at Tiffany's.
Audrey Hepburn was our inspiration from her role as Holly Golightly in the so appropriately named film 'Breakfast at Tiffany's'.

We were set with coffee and an array of danishes from a bakery down 5th Avenue.

"To work everyday."

"To be in connection with other human beings. And to destroy my own perception of my own limitations by outgrowing myself."

Central Park was a quiet break from the sidewalks of the city. As the clock over the zoo entrance struck the hour, underneath it the animal statues spun in circles to music.

"Better than sleeping in all day."

"All the wonderful romances that await us! And all the animals!"

Chocolate milk is always the perfect end to any day. But we've found that it was ever so difficult to find in NYC. To give a little bit of context, us three girls like chocolate milk, a lot. Almost as much as our love for Dr. Pepper. Based on the scarceness of this drink in NYC though, we can only come to one conclusion: New Yorkers just must not like chocolate milk as much as we do.

In practically every market in every street in Brooklyn, when they have a stock of chocolate milk it's in a one serving container. Come on people, one suggested serving size is never enough.

By the time we found some in realistic sizes, after even being offered iced hot chocolate (which was nice, just definitely not the same), it was only in a one quart container.

So we bought two.

And they were so, so good.

"To see what the day holds."

"The sun rises, so it seems like the least I can do."

Thank you to our fabulous NY hostess! We are ever so grateful for your kindness and happiness.

"Because I'm so happy."

Stayed tuned for New York: Part Two.

Love and blessings,

The Crew

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